Spring into Reading 2024: Diverse Children’s Books, Crafts, and Read Alouds to Celebrate Spring
Happy Spring, Mai Friends! Are the flowers blossoming and blooming where you live? Or perhaps the snow is just starting to clear and the sun is finally peeking through the gloom to shine its rays?

Well, whatever the weather, *Spring* is here! Mai favorite signs of Spring: Waking up to a choir session of birds chirping to their little hearts content, crisp-clear mornings and warm-sunny afternoons, the backyard patio slowly becoming surrounded by pops of color as buds bloom and flowers blossom, hummingbirds zooming and bunnies hopping by, and longer days as the sun stays out to play past 6pm!
And of course, mai favorite way to welcome a new season: by sharing all the Spring themed reads, bookish crafts, and interactive read alouds to bring some spring fun your way! Enjoy some Springtime bookish fun with your little learners this season ~ and let me know what some of your favorite Signs of Spring are!
I’ve curated three separate collections of Spring Books featured below: Board Books, Diverse Spring Books, and Spring New Releases / Old Favorites. For the full lists, check out the links below.
Click here for the full list of *Spring Board Books*

(If you are interested in this forward-facing bookshelf CLICK HERE and use code STORYBOOK10 for 10% off)
It’s always important to me to highlight diverse children’s books, as children of color are underrepresented in picture books~ thus I want to amplify these stories so that they land on shelves where a child can potentially find a story that mirrors who they are, where they are from, and what they look like. Thus, I’ve also curated a collection of *Diverse Spring Books.*
Click here for the full list of *Diverse Spring Books*
In the below collection, you’ll find mai full roundup of Spring Titles, including both new releases and old favorites. For more details on the NEW RELEASES, keep reading for a few of mai favorites!
Click here for the full list of Spring New Releases/ Old Favorites

I’m highlighting a few of mai *New Release* Spring Favorites below. To learn more, click on the individual titles:

Keep Up, Duck! by Ivan Bates // In this charming story, Mama Duck and her ducklings are on their way to the lily pond, but Puck, the smallest duckling, always lags behind. As they pass by paddleboats, Puck falls even further back, but he is determined to keep up. Through clever and sneaky solutions, Puck manages to stay in the race!

Wake Up, Woodlands by Karen Jameson // Celebrate the arrival of spring with various woodland creatures waking up to the new day. The book follows a honeybee, bear cub, bunny, squirrel, fawns, and more as they embrace the morning and the new season, highlighting themes of energy, positivity, and hope.

Lost Stick by Anoosha Syed // Milo, a devoted pup, adores making his owner Louise happy. During a stroll in the park, Louise names a twig “Stick” and throws it for Milo to fetch. They play this game repeatedly, with Milo always eager to please Louise. One day, Louise throws Stick farther than usual, and Milo sets off on a mission to find it. However, he faces a challenge: all the sticks in the neighborhood look alike. Will Milo find the right Stick to bring back to Louise?

Escargot and the Search for Spring by Dashka Slater // Escargot, eager for spring after a long winter indoors, ventures out to look for signs of the season. Along the way, he encounters a fluffy white bunny. Will this meeting lead to a new friendship for Escargot?

Grumpy Monkey Spring Fever by Suzanne Lang // When Jim starts acting unusually happy and energetic in the jungle, the other animals, used to his grumpy demeanor, become concerned. Norman diagnoses Jim with spring fever and suggests finding a cure. The animals try various remedies, but nothing works, and soon Jim’s newfound joy becomes contagious, spreading to the other animals. In the end, the jungle erupts into a silly celebration of springtime, with all the animals joining in the fun.

The Cutest Brave Little Bunny by Joy Steuerwald // Little Bunny is adored by everyone for being cute, but she feels frustrated that no one sees her other qualities like bravery, cleverness, and helpfulness. She feels misunderstood until she meets a new friend who sees and appreciates her for who she truly is, thus bringing her a sense of validation and understanding.

Sourgrass by Hope Lim // Sofia and May have a special bond, meeting at their shared fence every day. They discover a field of wild sourgrass flowers, deepening their friendship. When May moves away, Sofia worries about their friendship lasting. Through their long-distance relationship, Sofia learns that true friends remain close at heart, even when separated.

What’s Inside a Birds Nest by Rachel Ignotofsky // A delightful and informative read about birds, perfect for reading aloud. This book covers everything from the hatching of birds to how they build their homes. It’s a detailed and charming exploration that promises to become a springtime favorite.

Lucky Duck by Greg Pizzoli // Susan the duck seems to have terrible luck, with oversized rollerskates, a lost marble, and no pickles left. However, each time she encounters misfortune, Wolf appears with a prize she has won, suggesting her luck has changed. The story humorously explores the idea of luck and how it can appear when least expected.
Prepare for some spring fun with these bookish crafts to extend the learning and play beyond the book. This spring, I’m celebrating the blossoming season with some of mai favorite bookish characters! Check out these Spring crafts inspired by some of your favorite bookish friends.
*Click on the Images for Craft Templates.*
Or check out this Bundle of 8 Spring Crafts
Interactive Read Alouds
Plus, read along with MaiStoryBook YouTube for interactive, shared-reading read aloud adventures where I ask questions throughout the story, point out main themes and ideas, and introduce vocabulary to keep little learns engaged and participating throughout the story. I’ve curated a collection of Spring Themed Interactive Read aloud videos for you to read along, learn, and celebrate with some bookish fun this Spring season!
Click here to read along with MaiStoryBook’s Spring Read Aloud Playlist
Or click on the image-link below to read along to some of mai favorite individual titles
I hope you found some reading recommendations to add to your own shelves and share with your littles this Spring. Please share any other Spring Titles to add to this themed collection.
*~Also, I’d love to see and hear about your own reading adventures you are having with your little learners, so please share your story times below in the comments ~ Or Tag me on Instagram @MaiStoryBookLibrary , FaceBook , find me on TikTok, or contact me via email . I’d love to hear from you!~*
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I’m excited to read Spring Stinks because I have a student named Bruce this year and we are obsessed with all the Bruce books! I am looking forward to spring break which starts this weekend!
Congratulations Melissa! You won this giveaway! Please email me at maistorybook@gmail.com with shipping details
Happy Spring!
Love the spring books! We’re looking forward to reading “The Brave Little Bunny” we also cannot wait to go on walks when the weather gets nicer.
I can’t wait to read yaya and the sea. And go to the sea more this spring.
I’m so excited to get to read The Tales of Peter Rabbit!! And I’m extra excited for the flowers to start blooming!!!! 💗
Excited to read the grumpy monkey or sour grass. Looking forward to going to the park with my toddler and a new baby this spring
I’m excited to read Yaya and the Sea! And every spring I look forward to picking fresh blueberries from our garden!