Themed Book Collections

Back-to-School 2022: Books, Crafts, + Read Aloud Videos

It’s August, which means it’s already Back-to-School season! How did the summer fly by so quickly? I hope you all had a wonderful break~ I’ve been busy preparing for Baby Bump’s arrival this September, but it’s also been full-steam-ahead curating this Back-to-School Resource Collection for all of you! Per usual, I’m celebrating Back-to-School the best way I know how: by sharing all the Back-to-School books, bookish crafts, and read aloud fun!

I’ve been combing through mai library to feature some of mai favorite School Time reads, plus have been collecting all the new releases coming in from publisher friends to bring you a comprehensive list of Back-to-School Books. I’ve also been busy crafting away this summer to bring you a bunch of new Bookish Downloadable Craft Templates, and have several new Back-to-School themed Interactive Read Aloud Videos on the way!

Continue scrolling to check out MaiStoryBook’s Back-to-School resources, and let me know what catches your eye, or if you have any fun reads to add to the collection!


Back-to-School season is filled with a flurry of emotions: excitement, nerves, anticipation, joy, anxiety, enthusiasm~ just to name a few! A read aloud is the perfect way to address these Back-to-School feelings, and help transition littles from summertime play to school time routines. Below I’m highlighting some of mai favorite *New Release/ New-to-Me* Back-to-School books this season! For the full list and collection of new reads and old favorites: 

 Click here for the full list of Back-to-School titles and links to order.

(Or click on the Select Individual Titles Below)

KINDergarten: Where Kindness Matters Everyday by Vera Ahiyya & Joey Chou // Leo’s nervous about the first day of Kindergarten. Before school begins, his teacher assigns students to think of ways to show kindness in school. Once Leo arrives on the first day, he learns that many students have ways to share kindness. Together, the class creates a Kindness Pledge to ensure the class is the kindest it can be. Includes a Kindness Pledge Poster on the other side of the Jacket Cover.

Hattie Harmony Worry Detective By Elizabeth Olsen & Robbie Arnett // An SEL story full of strategies for managing your worries and anxieties. It’s the first day of school, and Hattie Harmony is ready to help all of her friends navigate their first day jitters. Read along as she shares the perfect tools to help calm her friends’ bodies and minds, and even her own!

Mae’s First Day of School by Kate Berube // It’s the first day of school, and Mae decides that she is Not Going. School is scary! Instead, Mae climbs a tree~ where she meets Rosie and Ms. Pearl, both of whom also do not want to go to school today. Can these new friends help each other overcome their fears?

The Little Bear by Nicola Killen // Ollie isn’t sure she’s ready to go back to school, but on the night before the first day of school, she has a magical dream! She visits a magical woodland schoolhouse filled with friendly animal students and teachers who make learning a fun adventure. When Ollie wakes up the next morning, she is excited for the new school year!

The Queen/King of Kindergarten by Derrick Barnes & Vanessa Brantley-Newton // Get ready to rock the world of Kindergarten with the Queen and King of Kindergarten! Read along as you go through a full day of Kinder and experience all the learning and fun that happens at school. Excellent reads to build excitement and confidence for the first day of school.

The World Needs More Purple Schools by Kristen Bell and Benjamin Hart // Penny Purple is back, this time teaching us how to paint your school Purple! A purple school is a school where people and ideas mix together to make something new and great! Read along to discover the 5 steps it will take to make your school a Purple School: curiosity, sharing, hard work, lots of laughs, and being totally You!

This is a School by John Schu & Veronica Miller Jamison // An uplifting celebration of all that a school can be. School is so much more than just a building~ it is a community of people who work, learn, play, create, trust, and share together. This is a sweet ode to all the individuals who make up a school and the help create the magic within.

That’s Not My Name! by Anoosha Syed // Mirha is super excited for the first day of school! But when she gets there, everyone, even the teacher, mispronounces her name, and it seems like no one is interested in learning the right way to pronounce her name either. Mirha goes home wondering if she should change her name. However, Mama helps Mirha see how special her name is, and she returns to school the next day determined to stand up for her self and help her peers and teacher say her name correctly.


Prepare for some Back-to-School fun with these bookish crafts to extend the learning and play beyond the book. This Back-to-School Season, let’s work together to create community and memories, learn and explore new interests and topics, develop confidence and self-esteem, and build ever-lasting friendships! Check out below for a selection of some of mai favorite these Back-to-School Crafts inspired by these School Time Reads, or:

Click Here for the Full Collection of 50+ Back to School Book-Inspired Crafts

*Click on the Images for some of Mai Craft Templates.*

Or, check out these Back to School Craft BUNDLES perfect for the First Weeks of School:

Interactive Read Alouds

Plus, read along with MaiStoryBook YouTube for interactive, shared-reading read aloud adventures where I ask questions throughout the story, point out main themes and ideas, and introduce vocabulary to keep little learns engaged and participating throughout the story. I’ve curated a collection of Back-to-School Themed Interactive Read aloud videos for you to read along, learn, and celebrate with some bookish fun this Back-to-School season!

Click here to read along with MaiStoryBook’s FULL Back-to-School Read Aloud Playlist

Or click on the image-link below to read along to some of mai favorite individual titles:


I hope you found some reading recommendations to add to your own shelves and share with your little learners this Back-to-School Season. Please share any other Back-to-School Titles  to add to this themed collection.

*~Also, I’d love to  see and hear about your own reading adventures you are having with your little learners, so please share your story times below in the comments ~ Or Tag me on Instagram @MaiStoryBookLibrary , FaceBook , find me on TikTok, or contact me via email . I’d love to hear from you!~*