MaiStoryBook: Change Sings: A Children’s Anthem + *I am the Change* Guitar Craft
Introducing a jubilant story inspiring us to be the change we want to see in the world~ featured in the MaiStoryBook Library Collection:
“Change Sing: A Children’s Anthem” by Amanda Gorman, Illustrated by Loren Long
*~Click here to purchase your own copy of “Change Sings: A Children’s Anthem” to start on your own reading adventure! (This is an affiliate link~ a small percentage of your purchase will go to MaiStoryBook to help create Reading Resources for your littles)

Book Synopsis/ Review
If you’re looking for an inspirational children’s book~ this new read from the *Power Duo* : presidential inaugural poet Amanda Gorman and NYT #1 best-selling illustrator, Loren Long, is a triumphant call to action to do what you can to make a difference! When our voices join together~ anything is possible! Through music, a young girl leads a cast of colorful characters as they learn that they each have the power to make change. And that change, whether big or small, has the power to shape the community, the world~ and themselves!
The rich and dazzling illustrations accompany the rhythmic and lyrical text to create an uplifting read, perfect for inspiring our new generations of readers and leaders. It’s simple narrative makes it an excellent read aloud for a wide age range (Adults too, of course!)~ go more into depth with older learners into topics of activism and social justice, or sing along with littles and encourage them to think of the all the ways they can create change in their own community~ from picking up litter, to helping a friend!

- humming (p. 1) a low, soft, steady sound; like singing the tune of a song with no words
- chant (p. 5) repeating words over and over in a steady rhythm
- tolerance (p. 13) to accept something even if you don’t always agree
- distance (p. 17) how far apart things are
- strumming (p. 30) playing an instrument by sweeping your fingers over the strings

Themes/ Main Idea
- Anyone and everyone can make a difference. Even the smallest action can have a huge effect.
- Use your voice and words to create a positive change in the world. Be the change you want to see in the world.
YouTube Video: Guided Shared-Reading Read Aloud Example
Example of a shared-reading, interactive Read Aloud of “Change Sings: A Children’s Anthem” – how to subtly introduce the vocabulary list words within the text, ask guided questions, and spark conversation!
Subscribe: MaiStoryBook Youtube Channel for more *interactive* read aloud videos!
*I am the Change* Guitar Craft
Something I always try to instill in mai little learners is that they are capable of change. Sometimes they don’t believe it~ after all, how can someone so tiny like them do anything to help change some of the big issues we talk about: climate change, racism, war. How can I convince them that though they may be small, and they may be young ~ everyone and anyone can make a difference and create positive change~ whether it be in the world, their community, in their class, or within their family? Well, I use the best tool I know: *Children’s books.* I share nonfiction biographies of young children who have made a difference, but also fiction books of young ones doing small, day-to-day actions out of kindness that in their own way help create positive change. Whenever you help make something better for even just a single person, you are helping to change the world into a better place! *Change Sings* is one of those reads to inspire littles to use their voices and actions to create change! And to help them recognize their potential and ability~ check out this bookish craft inspired by the book to get your own littles *Singing for Change!*

- *I am the Change* Downloadable Guitar Craft Template
- Scissors
- Glue/ Tape
- Pencil
- Coloring Utensils of Choice
- Choose your “Guitar Body” Template. There are colored and black and white versions
- There are also 2 different headings:“Change Sings in_______” or “______ is the Change”.
- The blank lines are for personalizing the craft.
- Print it Out. Color if you chose black and white and write your name on the blank line/in the blank box.
- Cut it out.
- Then choose a *Guitar Neck.* They are available in color or black and white.
- There are 3 different prompts: “I can make change through actions and words” // “The Change I Wish to Be:” // “I am the Change the World Needs”
- They include differentiated response templates: Picture responses, written and picture responses, just written response
- Print out your choice
- If you chose black and white versions, color it in.
- Fill in the writing/drawings: Write/ Draw in how you will change the world for better, or what changes you want to help create in the present or future.
- Cut it out.
- Attach the guitar Neck to the Guitar Body by Gluing it horizontal to the right side of the guitar Body, lining it up with the strings (See the SAMPLE photos)
Enjoy Your *I am the Change* Guitar Craft
- Share your guitar craft with family and friends and share how you can make a positive change on the world
- Share your guitar craft with peers/ family and ask them how they can use their own voices and actions to be the change they want to see in the world
- Use your craft to remind you and inspire you to *sing change* everyday
- Display the crafts to inspire others and to share different ideas of how people can change the world for the better

*~ I hope you are enjoying plenty of *inspiring* reading adventures this year, Mai Friends! Tag me on Instagram @MaiStoryBookLibrary or FaceBook , find me on TikTok, or contact me via email to share your own *I am the Change* Guitar Crafts and your own reading adventures! I’d love to hear how you are changing the world!~*
Enjoy More Inspiring Interactive Read Aloud Videos Here!
*~Until next time, Happy Reading
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