Celebrate Pride Month: Books, Craft, Interactive Read Alouds
June is Pride Month~ a time to especially celebrate all the different forms of love and identity in our world. I’m celebrating with the best way I know how: by sharing all the PRIDE books and read aloud fun!
Below you’ll see the collection of books I’ve curated in honor of Pride Month. In this reading selection, you’ll find stories of family, identity, protest, community, friendship, acceptance, and love. I’ve separated the collections into fiction, and a mini collection of PRIDE nonfiction. Click here for the full list of titles and links to order.

Pride Month is also about pride in your identity and being confident and comfortable to share your true self with the world~ Be Proud to Stand Out from the Crowd. This is the message that LGBTQ+ icon RuPaul shares with the world. Check out the bookish craft below inspired by RuPaul’s biography : *Little People Big Dreams: RuPaul* by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara. Using RuPaul’s iconic flower blazer craft template, littles will share what makes them unique and helps them stand out from the crowd with *pride.*

Click here for Craft Template and Directions
Available in black and white or color, these Flower Power blazer templates encourage little learners to Stand Out from the crowd. Choose from a variety of different response templates for learners to record what makes them stand out. Drawing, writing, and sentence frame templates are available.
Complete the craft and open up the blazer to reveal what makes you stand out with pride!
Interactive Read Alouds
Plus, read along with MaiStoryBook YouTube for interactive, shared-reading read aloud adventures where I ask questions throughout the story, point out main themes and ideas, and introduce vocabulary to keep little learns engaged and participating throughout the story. I’ve curated a collection of Pride Month Interactive Read aloud videos for you to read along and learn with me this month.
Click here to read along with MaiStoryBook’s Pride Month Playlist, or click on the image-link below to read along to the individual titles.
I hope you found some reading recommendations to add to your own shelves and share with your littles. Please comment below and share any other PRIDE Titles to add to this themed collection.
*~Also, I’d love to see and hear about your own reading adventures you are having to share inclusive and diverse experiences and stories with your children, so please share your story times below in the comments –Tag me on Instagram @MaiStoryBookLibrary or FaceBook , find me on TikTok, or contact me via email . I’d love to hear from you!~*
Plus, checkout out MaiStoryBook’s Interactive Read Aloud Video Playlist of Diverse Reads here.
*~Until Next Time, Happy Reading~*
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