Independent & Self-Published Features

Independent and Self-Published Features: Featuring Angela Shanté and Patrica Young

*Highlighting up and coming illustrators and authors from independent publishing houses and self-publishers*

Please reach out to MaiStoryBook through InstagramFB, or by commenting on my blog, and *share or tag* books, authors, or illustrators who would fit into this category of independent/self-publishing! You can see my Book Review Policy Here. I’m excited for the wonders we will find!

Now without further ado~

Featuring this week’s diverse collection of reading adventures:

The Noisy Classroom by Angela Shanté

Illustrated by Alison Hawkins

Published by West Margin Press: an independent publishing company based in Berkeley, California, dedicated to creating beautiful books and sharing unique voices and important stories

Ms. Johnson’s classroom is *noisy.* Her students chatter and walk in jumbled lines. Music can be heard through the door, and they always get out of class late. Even Ms. Johnson herself is noisy~ always singing and dancing and moving. When our little protagonist finds out at the end of the school year that she is going to be in this raucous class next year, she wants to run away to Antarctica~ sure that a life with the penguins would be better than being in Ms. Johnson’s noisy classroom. However, summer flies by, and the little girl finds herself entering Ms. Johnson’s nontraditional classroom on the first day of school, full of trepidation. But as the first week of school goes on, the little girl’s anxieties slowly fade away as she realizes this noisy classroom isn’t as disorderly as she thought. There are flexible seating options and comfortable spaces to work, they play ball games to learn math, crawl around like ants for different perspective writing, and sing songs to learn content and clean-up at the end of the day. Even though the classroom may be “out of the norm,” it is a loving space of a close class community who share laughs and joy while learning.

Featuring a diverse cast of characters, including an African American protagonist and teacher~and bright, expressive illustrations, this book shows us the possibilities of an alternative teaching style to the traditional quiet and orderly classroom. When learning is exciting, noisiness is a sign of engaged learners. This is a great back-to-school read, especially for any little who may be anxious about joining a new classroom and meeting a new teacher. It’s also a perfect book to gift a *new* teacher~ as it encourages innovation in teaching and portrays the positive impact a creative and dedicated teacher can have on a student’s interest in and excitement for learning.

Reading “The Noisy Classroom,” I felt like the book was written about mai own classroom and teaching style. As a teacher myself, this book resonated with me ~ it represents the learning environment and experiences I strive to create for mai students. I believe in planning active learning experiences, integrating music and arts into curriculum, in offering flexibility seating options, and encouraging student choice. Does this make classroom management a bit more difficult to navigate? Sure~ especially in the beginning with establishing routines, and creating a distinction between play for fun and fun while learning. And does the classroom sound a bit more noisy, look a bit more chaotic? It absolutely does~ but the outcome is what the little girl in “The Noisy Classroom” experiences~ a robust community, an excitement to learn, and a day of lessons with laughter.

A bit more about the Author: Angela Shanté

Angela Shanté is an elementary school teacher, writer, and poet. She grew up in New York City where she fell in love with teaching and words. She received her Masters in Elementary Education with a focus on literacy and later received her MFA in Creative Wiring. As a teacher, she fills her *occasionally noisy* classroom with games and literature. Angela loves teaching students to read and write, and wants to write stories that children will love to read and that will inspire them to write stories of their own. To learn more, like her Facebook Page @Angelashantebooks, follow her on Instagram: @thenoisyclassroom , and check out her website:

Check here to find this book for your own home/classroom library!


Conversations with Samantha: Love Your Skin by Patricia Young

Illustrated by Joseph Burke

Published by Palmetto Publishing Group: Providing independent authors the services and tools to succeed

Six year old Samantha is part of an interracial and biracial family. The members of her family have different skin colors, some having darker black skin or lighter brown like hers. At school one day, a classmate tells Samantha that he likes her but not her skin color, and a friend asks her if she was really a black person since her skin was brown. Bothered by these questions and comments, Samantha asks her mother at night if she is really a black girl since her skin color is brown, and why did everyone in her family have different skin colors. Thus begins an exploration between mother and daughter about what it means to love your skin, and how just because someone does not like or understand your skin color does not mean it should stop you from being true to and proud of who you are. Samantha’s mom shares with her that she is so much more than the color of her skin~ she is intelligent, kind, courageous, loyal, a great helper, great with numbers, etc. ~ but her skin color is also an important part of her identity, her skin color is the color it will always be, no matter what, and she should always love her skin. All skin is beautiful.

“Conversations with Samantha: Love Your Skin” was inspired by author Patrica Young’s nightly bedtime talks with her now seven-year-old daughter Samantha. Samantha had concerns and questions about her own skin color due to questions and comments from peers. Patrica Young realized that Samantha’s questions must be asked by millions of children daily, other children from biracial or interracial families, or from any families of color. Through her writing and new series of books, “Conversations with Samantha,” Patrica Young hopes to address these questions and concerns, tackle societal pressures on conformity, and reinforce the beauty of being unique. Her goal is for children of all races to read her books, learn to love who they are, and realize that identity is more than just skin color.

May is mental health awareness month, and self-confidence, positive self-esteem, and positive self-image are important for both a healthy mind and body. “Conversations with Samantha: I Love my Skin,” encourages readers to embrace their unique identity and love their bodies. Especially for young readers of color, who may have experienced racism due to their skin color or other physical features, this book opens lines of communication for them to share similar experiences, and for adults to help them navigate their feelings and build the confidence to believe in their own self-worth and beauty. Filled with positive affirmations and addressing the emotional impact comments and questions of race and skin color can have on children of color, this is an inclusive and empowering read, perfect for any home or classroom library.

A bit more about the Author: Patrica Young

Born in Jamaica and raised in the Bronx, author Patricia Young has a biracial child who has dealt with forms of racism due to their skin color. Their collective experiences as an interracial family inspired her writing. Conversations with Samantha is the first book in a series of ten. Patricia Young currently lives in Clermont, Florida with her husband and children. To learn more, like her FaceBook page @Patriciayoung_, follow her on Instagram: @patriciayoung_, or email her at

Check here to find this book for your own home/classroom library!


*~Support these independent/self-published authors and illustrators and check out what they’ve been writing and creating.  Please share any books, authors, or illustrators that fit into this category by tagging me on Instagram @MaiStoryBookLibrary,  posting on MaiStoryBook’s FaceBook page, or commenting on the blog below! Read more about my Book Review Policy here. I’m always looking for new treasures to read, support, and share with all of you!~*

*Plus, checkout MaiStoryBook’s Youtube Playlist of Inspirational Interactive Read Alouds*

*~Until Next Time, Happy Reading~*