MaiStoryBook Library

MaiStoryBook: Unicorn (and Horse) + Unicorn/Horse Friendship Cupcakes Craft

Introducing a friendship themed read aloud to celebrate *National Unicorn Day* ~ featured in the MaiStoryBook Library Collection:

“Unicorn (and Horse)” by David Miles and Hollie Mengert

*~Click here to purchase your own copy of *Unicorn (and Horse)” to start on your own reading adventure! (This is an affiliate link~ 5% of your purchase will go to MaiStoryBook to help create Reading Resources for your littles)~*

Book Synopsis and Review

*~Unicorn is a unicorn~* and Horse is…well, Not. Unicorn has a rainbow mane and a beautiful smile- Horse…does Not. And while Unicorn is cheery~ like, SUPER CHEERY~ Horse can’t stand being around Unicorn and shuts his friends out, preferring to grump on how own. It’s not that he doesn’t like Unicorn… it may just be that he wishes he *was* Unicorn. However, one night, when robbers decide to kidnap Unicorn, it will be up to Horse to come to the rescue. What will he decide to do? Can Horse rise up to save the day?

This is the most spectacular read for *National Unicorn Day.* Full of clever humor, sure to get giggles and laughter from littles with it’s hilarious comparisons between Horse and Unicorn and deadpan wit, author David Miles creates a funny yet endearing story about overcoming jealousy, accepting oneself and others, and believing in the power of friendship. The illustrations by Hollie Mengert match the tone of the text perfectly, with spot-on facial expressions, and magical cartoon-like characters~ it’s reminiscent of a Disney Movie in children book form. Plus, this is a great book for discussing compare and contrast with kids. Encourage them to share how Unicorn and Horse are different, but what they also have in common that makes them friends. *~More on ideas to do this in the bookish inspired craft down below!~*


  • sapphire (p. 5) beautiful blue
  • prances (p. 10) walk like you are dancing happily
  • crept (p. 24) sneak up on someone
  • startled (p. 24) surprised
  • chomp (p. 36) take a big bite

Themes/ Main Ideas

  • Friends can have differences, but it’s what we share in common that brings us together. The most important thing to have in common is a love and care for each other.
  • Jealousy makes no one happy. Instead, reflect on what is special about you, and be happy for what makes your friends special.Embracing yourself and others will bring happiness.

YouTube Video: Guided Shared-Reading Read Aloud Example

Example of a shared-reading, interactive Read Aloud of “Unicorn (and Horse)” – how to subtly introduce the vocabulary list words within the text, ask guided questions, and spark conversation!

*~Check it Out~*

Subscribe: MaiStoryBook Youtube Channel for additional read aloud videos!

*Unicorn/Horse Friendship Cupcakes* Craftivity

There’s that saying that *opposites attract.* It seems counterintuitive at first~ after all, shouldn’t besties have everything in common and be exactly the same? If you like the same exact things and do the same exact things~ of course you’d get along, right? You’d think so… But sometimes too much of the same ting isn’t always the best. However, friends do need to have some things in common~ the most important thing being a mutual love and respect for each other. If those feelings are present, the differences between friends just serve to make the friendship more full and interesting. When there are differences between friends, sometimes it can be difficult to avoid comparing (in a not so good way) between the two of you. Mai littles and I discuss jealousy in class~ and how jealousy stems from perhaps not being happy with something about yourself or your own situation. Instead of comparing yourself to someone else, remember what makes you special and unique, embrace what makes the other person different, and then celebrate those differences and find what you have in common to connect with. This week’s craft, inspired by the story, encourages littles to explore the differences between each other, and highlight what they have in common that makes them friends. Check out these Unicorn/Horse Friendship Cupcakes below!



  • Unicorn/Horse: Choose a unicorn or horse template. Available in black and white or color.
  • Color in the unicorn/horse and hooves if you chose the black and white template.-Cut out the horse/unicorn and the two hooves. Put aside.
  • Cupcake: **You will need to print the Front Side and Inside template double sided.**
  • Choose a Cupcake ”Front” side template. Color options (pink, purple, or blue) or B&W option. Text mimics the title of the book “_______ (and _____).”  
  • Choose an Inside template: Choices include: Fill in the blank sentence frames, lines only, lines and picture space, blank.
  • Print your Front and Inside choice double sided. Cut out and fold the bottom flap up and the cupcake frosting down so the label and frosting are facing forward. When you lift the flaps, the inside template should be revealed. 
  • For the Front: Put Your name, in the first blank, and then a friend’s name in the second blank in the parentheses. Color if you chose black and white.
  • For the inside template: Your name goes on the left bold line at the top left of the frosting. Your friend’s name goes on the right bold line at the top right of the frosting. Fill in the sentence frames or write/ draw facts that are different about you and your friend on the separate frosting sides. 
  • For the bottom cupcake part: write you and your friend’s name on the two bold lines at the top. Then fill in the sentence frames or write/draw facts about what both of you have in common that makes you friends or things you like to do together.
  • Fold the flaps back to form a cupcake when done. 
  • Glue the back of the frosting part of the cupcake to the bottom-body part of the unicorn/horse head.
  • Glue the hooves to the left and right side of the cupcake wrapper so that it looks like the unicorn/horse is holding the cupcake.
  • Fold the flaps up and down to reveal what you and your friend’s differences and similarities are. Even though you both are different, you still have shared interests and can be friends!

Enjoy Your *Unicorn/Horse Friendship Cupcake* Craftivity

  • Use your craft as a reading buddy and re-read the story, sharing you and your friend’s own differences when Unicorn and Horse contrast, and sharing what you have in common with your friend when Unicorn and Horse become friends at the end.
  • Share your craft with a family member or friend to help retell the story and share how friends can be different and still be friends.
  • Share your craft with a family member or friend, and ask them to share what they have in common and what’s different between them and a friend~ OR talk about what you both have in common and what’s different
  • Hang up your creativity to remind you of the importance of appreciating yourself and friends just the way you and they are

*~Overall, I hope you all are staying safe, staying healthy, and supporting each other through these times! Tag me on Instagram @MaiStoryBookLibrary, Twitter @MaiStoryBook  – post on FaceBook – or contact me via email to share your photos of your own *Unicorn/Horse Friendship Cupcake* Crafts, and your own reading adventures! I’d love to hear from you!~*

*~Until next time, Happy Reading~*