MaiStoryBook Library

MaiStoryBook: A Normal Pig + *A Normal Me* Lunchbox Craftivity

Introducing a read aloud about daring to be your very own kind of “normal”, featured in MaiStoryBook Library Collection

“A Normal Pig” by K-Fai Steele

Book Synopsis and Review

Pip the pig feels like a normal pig. She loves to play, to cook, to paint, and to dream of what she wants to be when she grows up. School is a playground of fun where she gets to express her creativity. That is~ until one day a new pig shows up at school~ a new pig who begins to point out all the ways that Pip is different, and not different in a good way… At lunchtime, New Pig shouts out how disgusting Pip’s lunch is because it is different. This is a new pig who makes Pip feel different in a bad way… Suddenly, Pip doesn’t like or do any of the things she enjoyed before new pig came~ all of the things that made her Pip. When Pip’s parents notice the change in Pip’s mood and confidence, they decide to take a trip to the city~ a place where differences and diversity abound~ and there Pip may just find the inspiration and self-confidence she needs to be proud of her differences, and do and enjoy what’s “normal” for Pip.

This is the perfect read aloud to open up discussions with little ones about~ *What does it mean to be normal?* When speaking with little ones, we focus. a lot on how differences make us special~ which they do~ celebrate what makes you different and cherish your *specialness*! But it’s also important to note that there is nothing wrong with being “normal.” In fact, many of us strive to be “normal,” to be able to fit in and meet the expectations for appropriate behavior and development. However, the word “normal” only becomes a problem when it is used to exclude someone else, to make someone feel different in a bad way~ to make someone feel excluded for not being “normal.” The thing with *normal* is that, there is no one right way to be normal. What’s normal for me, is different than what is normal for you. We each have our own normal~ our own *normals* are what make us different~ in a good way. Through Pip’s adventure, any child who has been made to feel excluded, or different in a bad way, will connect and appreciate Pip’s discovery of self-confidence and pride in who she is and what she likes. Any child who has ever brought a “different” lunch to school, may draw or paint with “different” colors, or like “different” activities, will learn that their differences are what make them *normal* in their own special way~ and if you can learn to take pride in and accept yourself, others surely will too.


  • Respond (p. 6) to say something back to someone
  • Replied (p.13) to say an answer back to someone
  • City (p. 15) a big town or place with a lot of tall buildings and a lot of people
  • Languages (p. 17) the words people use to speak to each other
  • Cafeteria (p. 25) a place at school where kids eat food

Themes/ Main Ideas

  • There is no “right” way to be *normal.* What’s normal for me is different than what’s normal for you, and that’s what makes us unique!
  • Be proud of who you are and what you like. Don’t let others make you or friends feel different in a bad way~ celebrate your differences to make each other feel different in a good way

YouTube Video: Guided Shared-Reading Read Aloud Example

Example of a shared-reading, interactive Read Aloud of “A Normal Pig” – how to subtly introduce the vocabulary list words within the text, ask guided questions, and spark conversation!

*~Check it Out~*

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*A Normal Me* Lunchbox Craftivity

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a new read aloud and craftivity~ I’ve been slightly MIA while navigating a last minute grade level change 3 weeks into the school year~ but I’ve been loving learning with mai new class of 3rd graders. We had our challenges to overcome, being cobbled together into a new class this third week of school~ but we’ve slowly been building a new classroom community. One read aloud that definitely helps is this one featured right here *A Normal Pig.* As a whole new bundle of personalities met and clambered to find their space and voice in a new learning environment and social setting, it was important for the 3rd graders to figure out who each other were, and to then appreciate and accept each other’s strengths and challenges. What was *normal* for one of them, wasn’t necessarily what was *normal* for the other. It took, and continues to take, community building routines, team building experiences, and collaborative lessons and tasks to build trust and appreciation amongst each other. Sharing what makes us *unique* and *normal in our won way* has helped the third graders take ownership and pride of their own interests and differences, while also acknowledging and respecting those of their classmates. If you are looking for a craft to help your own littles share what makes them *normal* and *different in a good way*, then check out MaiStoryBook’s *A Normal Me* Lunchbox Craftivity inspired by this week’s featured story “A Normal Pig”!



  • Download your *A Normal Me* Lunchbox Craftivity Template
  • Print it out following the instructions to print the lunchbox pages double sided
  • On the front of the lunchbox, write your name on the blank line in “A Normal_________”. Color the top half of the lunch box. The bottom half won’t be visible because it will be glued to the pig.
  • Inside the Lunchbox (on the back side of the lunchbox paper – **Make note of the labels telling you which side is the top!**) : answer the following Writing Prompt: What makes you *normal in your own special way?*
  • Write down all of the things that you like to do- all the things that make you unique! For example, what you like to play, what you like to eat, favorite hobbies, family traditions, who is your family. All of these things are what make you “normal” in your own special way!
  • Draw a picture in the blank part of the lunchbox **note which side is the top**
  • Cut out the lunchbox. Fold it in half so that the writing and picture are in the inside of the lunchbox. Make sure to keep the small tab in tact at the top of the lunchbox. This will be used to latch the lunchbox shut.
  • The Pig:-Decorate and color the pig in anyway you want! Make it as unique as you!
  • Cut it out when done.
  • Glue the back of the lunchbox to the middle of the pig’s body. Glue the sides and the bottom edge, leaving the top edge free of glue to latch the tab to the back of the lunch box.
  • Next, fold the pig arms down so it appears to be holding the lunchbox right at the sides. (Don’t glue the hands on top of the lunchbox because the flap needs to flap down.) 
  • Display and share your *A Normal Me* Craftivity to share how you are normal in your own special way!

Enjoy Your *A Normal Me* Lunchbox Craftivity!

  • Share your craft with a family member or friend to celebrate your differences and what make you unique.
  • Share your craft and ask family and friends how they are similar and different to you. What do you have in common? What are some differences?
  • Hang up your craft to remind you and others how everyone is *normal* in their own special way.
  • Re-read *A Normal Pig* with your reading-buddy craft and act out sharing what’s inside your own * lunchbox* ~ all the things unique about you!

*~Overall, have a dive into an exploration of what’s *normal* and celebrate differences with the *A Normal Me* Craftivity and *A Normal Pig* read aloud. I hope you and your little ones Celebrate what makes you normal in your own special way!  – tag me on Instagram @MaiStoryBookLibrary, Twitter @MaiStoryBook  – or post on FaceBook to share your photos of your own *A Normal Me* Crafts, and your own reading adventures! I’d love to hear from you!~*

*~Until next time, Happy Reading~*