Month: January 2019

Independent & Self-Published Features

Independent & Self-Published Features: Featuring Sam Webb and Sarah Rae Gilbert

*Highlighting up and coming illustrators and authors from independent publishing houses and self-publishers* Please reach out to MaiStoryBook through Instagram, FB, or by commenting on

MaiStoryBook Library

MaiStoryBook Library: Dreamers + *Dream Weaver Catcher* and *Butterfly Dreamer* Craft

Introducing a story about refugees, immigration, family, and keeping hope alive through dreams ~ featured in MaiStoryBook Library Collection: “Dreamers” by Yuyi Morales *~Click here

Independent & Self-Published Features

Independent & Self-Published Features: Featuring Vincent Chen + J. R. Becker

*~ It’s been awhile Mai friends, but I’m excited to kick off the year blogging and sharing our indie/self-published authors to celebrate the work they’ve