Picture Books to Teach Appreciation and Respect for Different Foods
If your child has ever been teased about their food, and suddenly requests only PB&J or turkey and cheese sandwiches for lunch~ read these picture books to empower them to stand up for their food and appreciate special family dishes.
However, these stories aren’t only for those who’ve been teased. Read and share these stories with ALL kids to teach little learners to *Respect* and *Appreciate* different foods. These books serve as reminders that one’s food is tied to identity and is a reflection of culture. If a food looks, smells, or tastes different than what you are used to, instead of wrinkling your nose or sharing disparaging comments~ perhaps don’t say anything at all and let everyone enjoy their own food.
Or share in the comments what you’ve suggested your kids say when they don’t like or want to try a new food.
And Check out the Featured Book List Below:
Click Here for the Full List of Book Links or Click on individual titles for links to order

Everyone Loves Lunchtime but Zia by Jenny Liao // Zia dislikes lunchtime because her classmates have typical American lunches while she has different Cantonese dishes. She’s self-conscious about her food until her parents pack her special Cantonese dishes during her birthday week, each symbolizing positive attributes. At first she doesn’t want to eat her lunch, but Zia eventually discovers that perhaps her food could bring her good fortune after all!

Fatima’s Great Outdoors by Ambreen Tariq // Fatima Khazi eagerly anticipates a weekend camping trip with her family at a local state park. Despite a challenging school week – being teased about her lunch, her pronunciation, her hair – the outdoor setting empowers her. Engaging in various activities like tent setup, fire-building, and confronting a spider, she bonds with her family.

A Normal Pig by K-Fai Steele // Pip, a regular pig, enjoys her everyday activities like cooking, painting, and envisioning her future. However, when a new pig arrives at school and highlights Pip’s differences, she begins to question her preferences and suddenly doesn’t like any of the things that made her unique.

Lunch from Home by Joshua David Stein // In a class where sandwiches are the norm, four students bring culturally-specific homemade lunches that stand out. Unfortunately, their peers react with distaste and negative expressions before they can savor their favorite foods. The story follows these four individuals as they navigate their initial “lunch box moments,” promoting empathy and encouraging readers to embrace their food choices and stand up for them.

Sandwiches and Samosas by Suhani Parikh BA // At school, where sandwiches are the lunch norm, Neeva and Nimi, who enjoy their Indian meals, wonder if they could possibly pack something different than their peers in their lunch boxes. The story explores the delightful discovery of diverse global cuisines as a group of friends realizes the deliciousness beyond the typical sandwich fare.

Tomatoes in My Lunchbox by Costantia Manoli // Upon her arrival in a foreign land, a child experiences displacement, loneliness, and unease during her initial school day. Her name sounds unfamiliar and eating a whole tomato for lunch attracts curious gazes from her classmates. However, all it takes is a single friendship can bridge the gap between two worlds.
I hope these recs are helpful for you and your littles. Please share in the comments any additional titles to add to the collection.
*~Also, I’d love to see and hear about your own reading adventures you are having with your little learners, so please share your story times below in the comments ~ Or Tag me on Instagram @MaiStoryBookLibrary , FaceBook , find me on TikTok, or contact me via email . I’d love to hear from you!~*