Back-to-School 2023: NEW Books, Crafts, + Read Aloud Videos
It’s August, which means it’s already Back-to-School season! How did the summer fly by so quickly? I hope you all had a wonderful break~ I’ve been enjoying the first Summer with Baby, but it’s also been full-steam-ahead curating this Back-to-School Resource Collection for all of you! Per usual, I’m celebrating Back-to-School the best way I know how: by sharing all the Back-to-School books, bookish crafts, and read aloud fun!

I’ve been combing through mai library to feature some of mai favorite School Time reads, plus have been collecting all the new releases coming in from publisher friends to bring you a comprehensive list of Back-to-School Books. I’ve also been busy crafting away this summer to bring you a bunch of new Bookish Downloadable Craft Templates, and have several new Back-to-School themed Interactive Read Aloud Videos on the way!
Continue scrolling to check out MaiStoryBook’s Back-to-School resources, and let me know what catches your eye, or if you have any fun reads to add to the collection!
Back-to-School season is filled with a flurry of emotions: excitement, nerves, anticipation, joy, anxiety, enthusiasm~ just to name a few! A read aloud is the perfect way to address these Back-to-School feelings, and help transition littles from summertime play to school time routines. Below I’m highlighting some of mai favorite *TEN New Release* Back-to-School books this season! For the full list and collection of new reads and old favorites:
Click here for the full list of Back-to-School titles and links to order.
Click here for the Full Collection of DIVERSE Back to School Books

Featuring: JoyKids 5 Tier Front Facing Bookshelf
Or click on the Ten NEW Individual Titles I’m Highlighting Below

The Together Tree by Aisha Saeed // Rumi feels unwelcome at his new school, facing bullying for being different. He seeks refuge under the old willow tree and dreams of belonging. One day, a classmate defends him, leading to a realization that all are welcome under the tree, and they create a space to play together.

Yenebi’s Drive to School by Sendy Santamaria // With a winning, sunny voice and a bright, friendly palette, debut author-illustrator Sendy Santamaria narrates the story of a girl’s commute—a journey she herself experienced while growing up as an American citizen in Mexico. “Yenebi’s Drive to School” takes readers on a trip that will feel familiar to many, mirroring their own daily journeys to school.

My Teacher Has Tattoos by Darren Lopez // In Xavier’s neighborhood, tattoos indicate gang membership. But when he sees his new teacher’s tattoos, he discovers there’s a deeper cultural significance behind them. “My Teacher Has Tattoos” is an excellent read for sparking conversations about the dangers of stereotyping in and beyond the classroom.

Breathe Like a Bear: First Day of School Worries by Kira Willey // Bear is excited for her first day of school, but she and her friends are a bit anxious too. Thankfully, Owl knows just the right words to calm their nerves and remind them of the common ground beneath their uniqueness. “Breathe Like a Bear: First-Day-of-School Worries” introduces a mantra for easing worries.

Bitsy Bat School Star by Kaz Windness // Bitsy, a little bat with big star dreams, hopes to make friends at her new school. But things don’t go as planned, and she feels like she doesn’t fit in. When she tries to do things her way, others criticize her, leading to a meltdown. Feeling like a small star, Bitsy becomes hesitant about going back to school. However, with support from her family, she gathers her courage, devises a new plan, and learns that being a good friend is just one of the many ways she shines brightly!

The World’s Best Class Plant by Audrey Vernick // In Room 107, there’s a cockatiel, and Room 108 has a chinchilla. Even the Art Room has a bearded dragon. But in Arlo’s Room 109, there’s just a plain plant, mostly green and barely growing. Despite its quiet nature, Arlo’s teacher finds excitement in it. One day, Arlo decides to name the plant Jerry, and suddenly, it becomes more thrilling. As the class cares for Jerry, he starts growing greener, longer, and twistier, revealing something amazing has taken root in Arlo’s classroom.

Mina Belongs Here by Sandra Niebuhr-Siebert // Mina is anxious about starting kindergarten in a new country where she only knows her name. Despite the unfamiliar language, Mina listens to stories and songs, trying out new sounds until the words feel like her own. Eventually, she realizes that the language now belongs to her, and she belongs to her new world.

We’re Going to School by Tammi Salzano // We’re Going to School” portrays the first day of formal schooling for children from diverse backgrounds. It showcases their experiences, from getting dressed and having breakfast to meeting new teachers and friends and learning classroom rules. The book captures the joy and accomplishment of completing tasks on this special day.

Shy Robin and the First Day of School by Jaime Kim // Despite Mom’s encouragement, young hippo Robin, feels timid and wants to hide on her first day of school. She retreats to a quiet corner despite the pretty purple headband meant to boost her confidence. Spotting Marco, a shy otter with purple bracelets, she finds her voice and helps him say his name aloud. Robin discovers that her voice can be strong when coming to a new friend’s aid.

Mr. S: A First Day of School Book by Monica Arnaldo // The first day of school in room 2B felt off as the kindergarteners noticed something seriously wrong—no teacher in sight, and a mysterious sandwich on the desk. A clue on the chalkboard spelled three letters: Mr. S.
Prepare for some Back-to-School fun with these bookish crafts to extend the learning and play beyond the book. This Back-to-School Season, let’s work together to create community and memories, learn and explore new interests and topics, develop confidence and self-esteem, and build ever-lasting friendships! Check out below for a selection of some of mai favorite these Back-to-School Crafts inspired by these School Time Reads, or:
Click Here for the Full Collection of 50+ Back to School Book-Inspired Crafts
*Click on the Images for some of Mai Craft Templates.*
Or, check out these Back to School Craft BUNDLES perfect for the First Weeks of School:

Interactive Read Alouds
Plus, read along with MaiStoryBook YouTube for interactive, shared-reading read aloud adventures where I ask questions throughout the story, point out main themes and ideas, and introduce vocabulary to keep little learns engaged and participating throughout the story. I’ve curated a collection of Back-to-School Themed Interactive Read aloud videos for you to read along, learn, and celebrate with some bookish fun this Back-to-School season!
Click here to read along with MaiStoryBook’s FULL Back-to-School Read Aloud Playlist
Or click on the image-link below to read along to some of mai favorite individual titles:
I hope you found some reading recommendations to add to your own shelves and share with your little learners this Back-to-School Season. Please share any other Back-to-School Titles to add to this themed collection.
*~Also, I’d love to see and hear about your own reading adventures you are having with your little learners, so please share your story times below in the comments ~ Or Tag me on Instagram @MaiStoryBookLibrary , FaceBook , find me on TikTok, or contact me via email . I’d love to hear from you!~*
I’m so glad I got tagged in your 8-book giveaway post on Instagram! We have a lot of great children’s books and they are diverse but your list really opens up more possibilities.
I’m so glad these recs are helpful! Thank you for sharing these stories with your littles.