Month: August 2023

MaiStoryBook Library

MaiStoryBook: Bitsy Bat, School Star + *I am a School Star* Craft

Introducing a read aloud book about celebrating differences, making friends, and sharing what makes you special, featured in this week’s MaiStoryBook Library Collection: “Bitsy Bat,

Themed Book Collections

Picture Books to Teach Appreciation and Respect for Different Foods 

If your child has ever been teased about their food, and suddenly requests only PB&J or turkey and cheese sandwiches for lunch~ read these picture

Themed Book Collections

A Collection for the Children of Maui: Natural Disasters, Trauma, Grief, Honoring Hawai’i

My heart goes out to all the people, families, and children affected by the devastating fire in Lahaina earlier this month, and it is my

Themed Book Collections

Back-to-School 2023: NEW Books, Crafts, + Read Aloud Videos

It’s August, which means it’s already Back-to-School season! How did the summer fly by so quickly? I hope you all had a wonderful break~ I’ve