Duck Duck Books: Multilingual Board Books
Trying or wanting to raise multilingual kids? According to research, the best age to learn a new language is by age 10. Our brains are most flexible and able to process languages when we are young. And to learn a new language ~ exposure is key! Listen to songs, watch movies and shows, and, of course, *read Books!*
I always appreciate bilingual l books for exposing littles to two languages, two forms of text, and two methods of communication. It’s always validating to see the languages you speak and hear printed on the pages and reinforced and shared through stories and illustrations.
And as mentioned before, the younger littles are exposed to new languages, the more likely they are to adopt it. That’s why I’m thrilled to feature a bundle of *Multilingual Board Books* from Duck Duck Books that will support your littlest readers on their language learning journey~ or even help them get a head start!

The Duck Duck Story
A minority-woman owned publishing company, Duck Duck Books uses a process called *transcreation* to create their multilingual board books, meaning that the books are not translated word-for-word from one language to another, but rather written from scratch in the different languages~ thereby preserving the connotations, values, and cultures of each language.

Overall, Duck Duck Books aims to create books that represent multicultural values, with themes around emotional intelligence and early social skills. Crafted by a team of creators of color, these books and Duck Duck Books products are created with the intention to support BIPOC communities, uplift unique voices, and instill and share values that will help readers create a better planet.
The Duck Duck Books Mission: To become a premiere multilingual and diversity-focused independent publisher of children’s board books, and to help spread a love of language and multiculturalism to the next generation.
Duck Duck Multilingual Board Books
Duck Duck Board Books are currently available in 3 languages: English, Spanish-English, and Traditional Chinese-Pinyin-English. Each language comes with two titles~ complete with real-life, photograph illustrations and energizing text:
*I Am Me* | Empowers littles to love themselves through their differences. Features bold colors, amusing expressions, and cross-cultural art style.

*All Puppies Are Good Puppies* | Filled with playful pups and lively illustrations, this board book is a fun way to teach little dog lovers different adjectives.

Plus, they even have an adorable Duck Duck BookSwaddle, with visual instructions to how to use it to wrap up your book bundle or other goodies!

Interactive Read Aloud Video
Read along with MaiStoryBook YouTube for an interactive, shared-reading read aloud of *I Am Me!” and “All Puppies are Good Puppies*~ where I ask questions throughout the story, point out main themes and ideas, and introduce vocabulary to keep little learns engaged and participating throughout the story.
About the Author: Serena Y. Li

Serena Li, Duck Duck Books’ founder and editor in chief, was born in Guangzhou, raised in Houston, and spent much of her adult life in Seattle. She has long been involved in Equity & Inclusion efforts, in both the public sector and the corporate world.
After her daughter was born, Serena struggled with the new world of parenting as a working mom trying her best to raise a trilingual child. A recent survivor of postpartum depression, Serena bonded with her daughter via books and quality time, but when she had a hard time finding meaningful bilingual books for young children with cross-cultural values that she wanted to pass on, she found her new passion and purpose.
Now she uses Duck Duck Books as a platform to further the causes of diversity, multiculturalism, giving back, and spreading a love of languages.
Giving Back and Supporting Communities
Duck Duck Books also strives to create a sustainable world filled with supportive communities, and thus commits to donating part of its profits both quarterly and annualy:
- Every quarter, 10% of proceeds through the Duck Duck Books website will be donated in the forms of books, supplies, and scholarships to local schools and families in need.
- Every year, Duck Duck Books donates a portion of their proceeds to plant trees.
When you buy a book~ you also help support these philanthropic endeavors.

To learn more about Duck Duck Books, visit their website:
I’d love to see and hear about your own reading adventures you are having with your little learners, so please share your story times below in the comments ~ Or Tag me on Instagram @MaiStoryBookLibrary , FaceBook , find me on TikTok, or contact me via email . I’d love to hear from you!~*