Halloween: Spooky Book Crafts and Interactive Read Alouds
Sharing with you MaiStoryBook’s Halloween selection of Spooky Bookish Crafts and Haunted Interactive Read Alouds. Read along as we concoct magical potions, pick the perfect pumpkin, make friends with a ghost, and reminisce on our spookiest moments. Check it out below and get ready for some Ghoulish Book Fun!
- “The Good, the Bad, and the Spooky” by Jory John & Pete Oswald
- “Gustavo the Shy Ghost” by Flavia Z. Drago
- “Room on the Broom” by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler
- “Stumpkin” by Lucy Ruth Cummins
- “How to Make Friends with a Ghost” by Rebecca Green
- “Froggy’s Halloween” by Jonathan London & Frank Remkiewicz
Plus, for more Halloween book recs, check out MaiStoryBook’s Themed Book Collection: Haunted Halloween Reads.
And Check Out MaiStoryBook YouTube for the Full Fall/Halloween Interactive Read Aloud Video Playlist
*The Good, The Bad, and the Spooky* by Jory John & Pete Oswald
The Bad Seed is back in this Spooky Halloween tale, and he’s in a baaaaaaad mood! Why is he in a bad mood? Well, Halloween is his favorite holiday, but he can’t find the perfect costume! The Bad Seed worries and worries that he will be *outdressed*, and decides if he isn’t having a very fun Halloween, NO ONE can have a very fun Halloween. Halloween must be POST-PONED! Will Bad Seed let his baaaaaad attitude ruin the holiday for everyone, or will a special seed help Bad Seed change his perspective in time to save Halloween? Plus, check out the *Spooky Seed* Craft to share your own Halloween and Fall favorite activities. (Add this book to your own library)
YouTube Video: Guided Shared-Reading Read Aloud Example
Example of a shared-reading, interactive Read Aloud of “The Good, the Bad, and the Spooky” – how to subtly introduce the vocabulary list words within the text, ask guided questions, and spark conversation!
*~Check it Out~*
*Spooky Seed* Surprise Craft
To help get into the fall, spooky spirit, check out the *Spooky Seed* bookish crafts below, for 4 different template ideas inspired by the story! Happy crafting, Mai Friends!

- My Spooky Seed Downloadable Template
- Scissors
- Glue/ Tape
- Colors
- Pen/ Pencil
- Choose a ”Bad Seed” seed-shell template. There are 4 different options in color or black and white : “Spooky Halloween” “Costume Ideas” “Fall Favorites”or “When I’m in a Bad Mood”.
- There’s also a coloring sheet template without the dotted line for cutting.
- Color and Cut the seed-shell in half on the zig-zag dotted line so that you have two pieces. The “Inside Kernel” will go in between the two pieces and attach them together. Write your name in the blank if you chose a personalized template.
- Next, choose an “Inside Kernel.” Each Seed template comes with two different choices of Inside Kernel, in color or B&W:
- Spooky Halloween: Choose all picture responses, or picture + writing
- Halloween Costumes: Choose pre-written labels, or label your own
- Fall Favorites: Choose Pictures or Writing
- Bad Mood: Choose write your own ideas, or cut-and-paste from the idea list and glue them onto the kernel
- Cut out the kernel. **Keep the top and bottom tabs on! Do not cut them off*
- To connect the kernel and seed shell, fold back the two tabs. Tape or glue the front side of the bottom tab to the top-back of the bottom half of the seed-shell. Then, tape/glue the front side of the top tab to the bottom-back of the top half of the seed-shell.
- Next, fold the kernel in on itself: Fold the top half halfway down to the middle, then fold the bottom half up to meet in the middle to “close the seed”

- The kernel should fold in on itself as you close the seed-shell to make it whole, and then when you open the seed-shell, your responses will be revealed! Surprise!
Gustavo the Shy Ghost by Flavia Z. Drago
This delightfully festive read highlights the celebration of the Day of the Dead, but it’s message and storyline of bravery, loneliness, and friendship is fitting for year round~ Gustavo is good at doing ghostly things~ he float through walls, he can glow in the dark, and can even make objects fly! What he loves most of all is making music on his violin! But when it comes to making new friends~ Gustavo is a shy ghost. Yet this year, there’s a special friend Gustavo especially wants to catch the attention of, but he just can’t seem to garner her attention. As the Day of the Dead approaches, Gustavo is dismayed that he may have to celebrate it alone… Will sharing what he loves most help others notice his *Glows* this holiday season? Read a Copy of this one to find out! Plus, check out the *Gustavo Glow* Craft to share what makes you Glow this Halloween! (Add this book to your own library here)
*What Makes Me GLOW* Gustavo Ghost Craft
Share what makes you GLOW, just like Gustavo, with these Gustavo inspired ghost crafts! It’s always the perfect time of year to share what you love most with the ones you love!

- Gustavo Ghost Downloadable Craft Template
- Scissors
- Glue/ Tape
- Colors of your choise
- Pen/ Pencil
- Choose a Gustavo Ghost Template: B&W or Color: with violin bow or without.
- Print out and Color in if you chose black and white.
- Write your name on the line on the bottom left corner.
- Cut the ghost.
- Choose a violin template. There are 2 different prompts, with 3 different versions for each prompt.
- “I Glow When…”
- “What Makes Me Glow…”
- Both options include: lines for writing and picture space; just lines for writing; just picture space
- Print out and color the violin (if black and white).
- Fill in the blanks with what makes you glow or draw a picture! (what are things you do that make you happy like Gustavo from the book)
- Cut out the guitar.
- Glue the violin to the bottom half of Gustavo.
- Display your Gustavo Ghosts to share some festive cheer and *Glow!*
Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler
It’s a windy day for a witch on her broom~ especially for a witch on a broom without much room! As the wind pulls her belongings way down to the ground, the witch meets new friends, who have found what she’s lost. In return for her items, the animal friends ask to board her flying broom, and it isn’t too long before the whole broom goes *kaboom.* Into the clutches of a dragon the witch falls; can her animal friends save her, or is it all a lost cause??? Read Along with MaiStoryBook below and find out! Plus, check out a *Magic Potion Spell* Craft. (Add this book to your own library here)
YouTube Video: Guided Shared-Reading Read Aloud Example
Example of a shared-reading, interactive Read Aloud of “Room on the Broom” – how to subtly introduce the vocabulary list words within the text, ask guided questions, and spark conversation!
*~Check it Out~*
Magic Spell Pop-Up Cauldron Craft
Pretend you are a witch brewing a magic spell! What would you put in your cauldron? What would magically pop out? Concoct your own potion with your own special ingredients to create a special magical pop-up surprise!

- Magic Spell Pop Up Cauldron Downloadable Template
- Scissors
- Color/Crayons/Markers
- Tape/Glue
- Pen/Pencil

- Choose and Print out a Magic Cauldron (Available in Black and White or Color) Different Cauldron templates include: blank for drawing, all lines for writing, half blank and half lines for writing and picture.
- Print out your cauldron choice and cut out the Magic Spell Sparkle and the Cauldron.
- Write Your name in the blank on the Magic Spell Sparkle piece.
- On the cauldron template, write or draw what items you are putting into your cauldron to make your spell.
- Color if you chose black and white. Leave the “Glue Space” blank because you will be covering it.
- For the Cauldron flap piece- print out the color or black and white version and cut it out. Color it in if you chose black and white.
- Then fold the top mini flap down on the dotted line.
- Put glue on the back of the folded down mini flap, and glue it to the “Glue Flap” on the Cauldron Piece. When the flap is down, you should see the magic spell “Iggety, ziiggety, zaggety, Zoom.” When you lift the flap, you should see the spell ingredients you put in the cauldron
- “THEN OUT ROSE…” This is the connecting piece to connect the Magic Spell Sparkle piece to the cauldron. On the line or lines, write what came out of your cauldron after you put in all of the ingredients. “Then out rose _________”
- In the blank space, draw a picture of what it is.
- Then Glue the tabs to the back of the bottom of the Magic Spell Sparkle Piece, and the top of the cauldron piece. Fold down the “Then Out Rose..” smoke piece in half so that the bottom of the Magic Spell Sparkle and top of Cauldron line up and meet.
- Then tuck the folded smoke piece behind the cauldron. See VISUAL DIRECTIONS for example (click on the link at the top)
- When you lift the Magic Spell piece, your magic spell creation will be revealed, and when you close the cauldron and magic spell piece it will look like a bubbling cauldron.
Stumpkin by Lucy Ruth Cummins
Featuring one of the sweetest lil’ pumpkins in story land~ *Stumpkin*: the pumpkin without a stem. This has been a fall favorite for the past couple years, and I couldn’t resist sharing it again to celebrate the start of fall. All Stumpkin wants is to be picked from the storefront shelf, and be taken home to become a jack-o-lantern. But come Halloween night, when every other pumpkin has been picked, even the *gourd*, Stumpkin is still left on the shelves… what will become of Stumpkin on this festive night? Does no one want a stemless pumpkin? Read Along with MaiStoryBook below and find out! Plus, help persuade your family and friends to pick the perfect pumpkin with the *Persuasive Pumpkins* craft. (Add this book to your own library here).
YouTube Video: Guided Shared-Reading Read Aloud Example
Example of a shared-reading, interactive Read Aloud of “Stumpkin” – how to subtly introduce the vocabulary list words within the text, ask guided questions, and spark conversation!
*~Check it Out~*
*Pick Me! Persuasive Pumpkins* Activity
Each pumpkin on the shelf wants to be picked, taken home, and turned into a jack-o-lantern. Use your best persuasive skills to help the pumpkins and gourd on the shelf convince your family and friends to take them home for Halloween! Use juicy adjectives to describe their shape, size, and color.

- *Pick Me! Persuasive Pumpkins* Downloadable Template
- Scisoors
- Glue/Tape
- Colors
- Pen/Pencil

- Choose a Color Template or Black and White “Pick Me” Template. Both come with 2 options: White text or Filled in Text.
- Once you pick your “Pick Me” Template, choose a Persuasive Writing Pumpkin template. There are 4 options: Writing Prompts with fill in the blanks (prompts match story prompts), all lines for written response, lines and blank for picture space, all blank for picture space.
- Print out your template. Cut it out. Color in if Black and White.
- Fill in the Persuasive pumpkin prompts with reasons why that specific pumpkin should be chosen. Discuss adjectives to describe shape, color, texture, size, etc.
- Next, choose a ”Pumpkin Flaps” Template. These are the front of the pumpkins that will be visible on the log. There are Color or Black and White versions with 4 different choices each: Blank, blank with faces, lines, lines with faces.
- Print out your choice and cut them out.
- Glue the *STEMS ONLY* where it says “Glue Stem” on the writing prompt pumpkins.
- Let dry, and then lift the pumpkin flaps to reveal your persuasive writing for why each pumpkin should be chosen.
- Take turns reading your persuasive pumpkin aloud, and have peers choose which pumpkin they would pick based on your descriptions.
How to Make Friends with a Ghost by Rebecca Green
If you are ever found by a ghost~ whatever you do, *DO NOT* scream and run away! That hurts the ghost’s feelings. Instead, *smile* and introduce yourself, for if you make friends with a ghost, you will have a friend forever...*and beyond.* So how do you make friends with a ghost? This ghostly guide, with input from Dr. Phantoneous Spookel, the leading ghost expert himself, will tell you everything you need to know about to *How to Make Friends with a Ghost.* Read Along with MaiStoryBook below and find out! Plus, check out the *If I Had a Ghost Friend…* Pop-Up craft to share how you would care for your own ghost friend! (Add this book to your library here)
YouTube Video: Guided Shared-Reading Read Aloud Example
Example of a shared-reading, interactive Read Aloud of “How to Make Friends with a Ghost” – how to subtly introduce the vocabulary list words within the text, ask guided questions, and spark conversation!
*~Check it Out~*
*If I Had a Ghost Friend…* Pop-Up Craft
If you and your littles *happen to be found by a ghost,* then this week’s craft, inspired by the story, will help you prepare to make lifetime – and beyond- friends with your new ghost! Check it out below!

- “If I had a Ghost Friend….” Pop-Up Downloadable Template
- Scissors
- Pen/Pencil
- Colors/markers
- Glue/ Tape

- Choose a Ghost Template: B&W or Color. Each version has different template headings available: “How _____ Makes Friends with a Ghost,” “How to Make Friends With a Ghost,” “If I had a Ghost Friend”
- Print out and Color in if you chose black and white. Cut out the ghost.
- If you chose the “How _____ Makes Friends with a Ghost” template, write your name on the blank space.
- Cut the ghost in half on the dotted line.
- Next, choose an inside-writing template. There are color and black and white versions with two different border options: spider web or fall leaves borders
- For each writing template version, there are 6 different template options: Prompts with picture and labels, Prompts with sentence frames, prompts with all lines, prompts with a line and empty picture space, prompts with blank space, Blank with no prompts
- Fill in the template to share how you would take care of your ghost friend
- Fold the“Inside Template” on the lines : 3 lines = 3 folds. Fold the top section down, and then ”accordion fold” the rest.
- To connect the “Inside Template” tothe ghost, fold the top tab back, and tape the top tab to the back of the bottom of the top half of the “Ghost”
- Fold the bottom tab back. Then tape/glue the tab to the back of the top of the bottom half of the “Ghost”
- The “Ghost”should fold together to join the top half and the bottom half of the “Ghost,”and then unfold to show all 4 sections when the lid is lifted.
Froggy’s Halloween by Jonathan London & Frank Remkiewicz
To Froggy, Halloween means *Candy* ~ and *Dressing Up!* But what should Froggy be for Halloween? Should he be a Super Frog? A ghost? How about a vampire? Froggy can’t decide, and now all he can think about is his Halloween costume! As Halloween draws nearer, Froggy prepares by carving pumpkins, decking the walls with spiderwebs, and putting up spooky decor. Then, the night before Halloween, Froggy dreams up the perfect costume! What will his costume be, and what spooky surprise will he encounter on his night out trick-or-treating? Read Along with MaiStoryBook below and find out! Plus, check out *My Froggy Halloween* Craft to share about your own Halloween adventures! (Add this book to your library here)
YouTube Video: Guided Shared-Reading Read Aloud Example
Example of a shared-reading, interactive Read Aloud of “Froggy’s Halloween” – how to subtly introduce the vocabulary list words within the text, ask guided questions, and spark conversation!
*~Check it Out~*
*My Froggy Halloween* Craft
What does Halloween mean to you? Join Froggy and share about your own Halloween adventures with this Froggy Halloween Craft. What does your costume look like this year? What is your favorite candy? What did you carve on your jack-o-lantern? What was your spookiest moment? Check out the craft below to record your Halloween adventures!
- *My Froggy Halloween* Downloadable Template
- Scissors
- Glue/ Tape
- Pencil/ Pen
- Colored Pencils/ Markers/ Colors

- Choose your pieces for the Froggy template. There are colored and black and white versions.
- Piece include: Head, Arms and Legs, Front Body Prompts: “______’s Halloween” or Blanks, Inside Body Templates: Labels with picture spaces; sentence prompts; picture space and lines; all lines; all blank
- Print out your choices
- PRINT OUT THE BODY DOUBLE SIDED: Choose your front template and inside body template and print them double sided
- If you chose black and white versions, color them in.
- Cut them out.
- For the body, fold the two flaps in, so that the prompt is facing the front, and when you open the flaps the writing/drawing on the inside is revealed.
- Write your name in the blank on the front flaps. For example: “_Maya_’s” Halloween”
- Fill in the inside to answer the prompts about your Halloween or write about your Halloween on the lines.
- Next, attach the head by taping/gluing the bottom of the neck tab to the back of the body.
- Glue the arms and legs to the back of the body as well.
- Display your Halloween Froggy’s to share some Halloween cheer!
*~I hope you enjoyed these Spooktacular Read Alouds and Crafts! I’d love to see and hear about your own Halloween/October Adventures you’ve been enjoying with your children, so please share below in the comments – tag me on Instagram @MaiStoryBookLibrary – or post on MaiStoryBook’s FaceBook page! You can also find me on TikTok for bookish fun!~*
Plus: Check Out MaiStoryBook YouTube for a Fall/Halloween Themed Interactive Read Aloud Video Playlist
~Until Next Time, Happy Haunted Reading~*
*This post contains affiliate links*
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