MaiStoryBook Library

MaiStoryBookLibrary: Say Something + *Say Something Activity Book*

Introducing a story to inspire little ones to find their voice and explore different modes of expression~ featured in MaiStoryBook Library Collection:

“Say Something” by Peter H. Reynolds

*~Click here to purchase your own copy of *Say Something* to start on your own reading adventure! (This is an affiliate link~ 5% of your purchase will go to MaiStoryBook to help create Reading Resources for your littles)~*

Book Synopsis and Review

*~The world needs your voice!~* Use you voice to #saysomethingkind, to call out injustices, or to express your own feelings and thoughts. There are many different ways for one voice to make a difference~ and in this inspiring children’s book, author Peter H. Reynolds leads little ones on an exploration through all of the different modes of expression, from whispering to shouting, to gardening and poetry, to style and fashion, and so much more! Your voice and your ideas have the power to change the world- and the possibilities to share with the world who you are and what you believe~ are endless.~*

This is the perfect read aloud to empower a whole generation of kid activists! Sometimes, some little ones may not be as comfortable speaking out loud, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have something to say. Everyone has ideas and beliefs, and this read aloud encourages little ones to find the mode of expression that best fits them. There are so many different ways to express yourself: through our words, actions, and our creations. There are always ways to make the world a better place~ and this simple yet powerful read aloud, beckons children to use their voice, because the time is *now* to ~Say Something!~


  • canvas (p. 7) a hard cloth stretch tight for painting on
  • lot (p. 9) an empty space of land
  • Eureka (p. 16) a shout for joy when you’ve discovered something
  • injustice (p. 21) something that is unfair
  • inspire (p. 22) give someone a feeling that they can do something great!

Themes/ Main Ideas

  • There are many ways to express yourself. Find the way the feels best for you, and *Say Something*. Even when you think no one is listening, there is always someone who is.
  • The world needs your voice. Share your ideas and feelings to help make the world a better place.

YouTube Video: Guided Shared-Reading Read Aloud Example

Example of a shared-reading, interactive Read Aloud of “Say Something” – how to subtly introduce the vocabulary list words within the text, ask guided questions, and spark conversation!

*~Check it Out~*

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*Say Something Activity Book*

To prepare for open house a month ago, I read *mai* firsties “Say Something.” Throughout the whole year, a large focus has always been: how can we be kind to one another~what can we say, and what can we do to be kind and make others feel happy and good. And for these little ones, still learning and practicing social behaviors and how to be a friend, this read aloud was perfect for sparking conversation about *what can you say~ and how can you say it.* The project was to fill a wall with speech bubbles of their quotes saying something kind. I prompted them “What could you say, to write in your speech bubble, so that if someone were to walk into our room and read what you said, that’d they’d feel so happy and so good inside, and they’d leave our classroom with a huge smile, thinking what a kind safe space to be!” Together, we filled the white board with jotted down ideas of what we could say to help make someone’s day even better. The ideas they came up with warmed my heart, from “Everybody loves you,” to, “Be happy, you always have a friend here.” They then carefully scribed their message in a speech bubble, a wonderful parent volunteer snapped their picture holding our golden microphone, and we set up our favorite display, out ~ *Say Something Kind* Wall~ a vast expanse of purple speckled with little ones holding sparkling golden microphones and spreading kindness with their thoughts, words, and voices. So~ looking for a way to inspire your own little ones to use their voices to help make the world a better place?? Check out MaiStoryBook’s *Say Something Activity Book*~ the perfect resource to help littles find their voice and express themselves!



  • Download your *Say Something Activity Book*
  • Staple to bind it together, or hole punch with strings.
  • Decorate the cover, filling the speech bubble with any colors and symbols you can imagine!
  • Open the book and us the prompts to guide you as you express yourselves in all the different modes explored in the read aloud
  • Use colored pencils, or crayons, or markers
  • Share your *Say Something Activity Book* and use it to help spread your ideas!

Enjoy Your *Say Something Activity Book*!

  • Fill in the activity book as you read aloud *Say Something*- filling in the corresponding pages so that you can practice expressing yourself right along with the characters in the book!
  • Use the book to help you share your own ideas and feelings with family and friends
  • Take one of the activities in the book and do it for real! For example, grow a garden, or throw on your best outfit and strut around the neighborhood!
  • Share the activity book with your loved ones and encourage and ask them, what do they want to say with their voice??

*~Overall, have fun using  your voice through the  *Say Something Activity Book*,  and I hope you and your little ones feel empowered to share your thoughts and ideas with the world !  – tag me on Instagram @MaiStoryBookLibrary, Twitter @MaiStoryBook  – or post on FaceBook to share your photos of your own *Say Something Activity Books*, and your own reading adventures! I’d love to hear from you!~*

*~Until next time, Happy Reading~*