MaiStoryBook Library

MaiStoryBook Library: What Do You Do with a Chance? + Butterfly Chances Craft

Introducing a read aloud to inspire you to take a *chance*, featured in this week’s MaiStoryBook Library Collection:

“What Do You Do with a Chance?” by Kobi Yamada and Mae Besom

*~Click here to purchase your own copy of *What Do You Do With a Chance?* to start on your own reading adventure! (This is an affiliate link~ 5% of your purchase will go to MaiStoryBook to help create Reading Resources for your littles)~*

Book Synopsis and Review

*Chances~ Whether it’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance, a chance to try something new, an everyday chance to do something different ~ Taking a chance can create *Change.* This is the story of a young child who makes a *chance* encounter, but hesitates to *take a chance.* However, when you stop taking chances, fewer and fewer chances start coming along~ and when the young child realizes their chances are *fading* ~they resolve to have *courage* and *grab* the next chance that comes  along. So, what happens when you take a chance…? In a book that promotes the development of a growth mindset, and self-confidence, children will discover that when you be brave and say *yes* to new opportunities~ amazing things can happen and a whole new world can open!

This book is the newly relased, third book in the series of books, “What Do You Do With…?”, by the *independently-published* author, Kobi Yamada., You might be familiar with the first book in the series, the award winning book “What Do You Do with an Idea?” and its sequel, “What Do You Do with a Problem?’ In these books,  a young child grapples with what to do when they have an idea, or a problem. The child in the end learns to face their fears, accept new challenges, and have confidence in their own capabilities and ideas. This final book in this series installement, similarly, follows a young child as they try to determine , what do you do with a chance? Note that gender pronouns are *never* used throughout the story, so that any child can relate to the main character and learn the value of taking risks, being brave, and embracing chances~ because, you never know when that one chance may become the one to change the world.

Vocabulary List

  • Fluttered (p. 4) flying, flapping wings
  • Courage (p. 6) bravery, doing something even when you are scared
  • Foolish (p. 9) unwise, not a smart choice
  • Distance (p. 21) something far away, how far away something is
  • Incredible (p. 34) amazing, extraordinary

Themes/Main ideas

  • You need bravery and courage to take a chance: Don’t be afraid to take a chance. You never know what might happen~ but it could be something amazing and great!
  • It’s ok to be afraid: You can be afraid and brave at the same time. It’s normal to be afraid, but don’t let that stop you from taking chances and chasing your dreams.

YouTube Video: Guided Shared-Reading Read Aloud Example

Example of a shared-reading, interactive Read Aloud of “What Do You Do with a Chance?” – how to subtly introduce the vocabulary list words within the text, ask guided questions, and spark conversation!

*~Check it Out~*

Subscribe: MaiStoryBook Youtube Channel for additional read aloud videos!

Follow: MaiStoryBook on Vimeo for additional read aloud videos!

 *Take a Chance* Craft

A chance is like a choice. It’s when you have the power to choose if you want to do something ~or not do something~ that is your chance to do it, or not do it. Usually, when you take chances, you aren’t sure of what is going to happen next ~ it’s a complete mystery, a toss up of what could happen~ and that makes it *kinda scary* to take a chance. How would you feel if you could choose to do something, but didn’t know what was going to happen? You want something good to happen of course, but its not guaranteed~ it might not happen they way you hope. But, if you never take a chance, you’ll also never have the opportunity to experience that totally *extraordinary* thing that could happen if you do take a risk. I took a chance when I decided to start MaiStoryBook. I was very skeptical about posting videos of *myself* on YouTube, for the *world* to see, and worried about what people would think- what kind of feedback I would receive. But~ spreading a love for reading is something I’m passionate about, so I took a leap and grabbed my chance. And if I may say so, I feel like *MaiStoryBook* is continuously growing and surprising me in *extraordinary* ways. The community I’ve built and the connections I’ve made have made this chance worthwhile. *And of course, thank you for all of your support!* Today’s craft is about *taking a chance.* In the book, the chance looks like a fluttering yellow butterfly. Therefore, our craft of the week looks like the butterfly beauty. Be prepared for an afternoon of finding courage and taking chances.



  • Choose a ”Chance” template. There are colored or black-and-white versions. For both colored and black and white versions, there are different title formats: Blank, “ _____’s Chance” , “_______ Takes a Chance” in white or black text, and in boxed or separate formats
  • Write your name on the blank line or in the blank box, and color if you chose black and white. (Ex. “ __Maya’s__Chance”)
  • Cut it out/ Color if you chose Black and White.
  • Next, choose a Bottom-Chance Writing Template. There are colored or black-and-white versions. For both colored and black-and white versions, there are different writing template formats: Blank, Writing Prompt with all lines, Writing Prompt with lines and picture space, Writing Prompt with only picture space, All lines
  • Fill in the writing prompts by writing or drawing: One time you took a chance (what. Happened/ what did you do), What you hope you get a chance to do (is there something you really want to do or try, or somewhere you want to go), What you can do if you are scared to take a chance (talk to someone, tell yourself you are brave, practice), Why do you take chances (help you see who you are, what you want, where you want to go –examples from the book).
  • Apply Glue on the middle part of the chance where it says Glue. Then Glue the body of the top-chance to the body of the bottom-chance.
  • Fold up the flaps of the wings along the crease of the body to reveal the chance-writing underneath the wings of the top-chance
  • ((**To prop the wings up on their own like in the sample pictures, I put a piece of tape on the inside edge of the wings where the top and bottom part meet near the body. (making an angle with the vertex being where the two pieces meet at the body)

Enjoy your *Take a Chance* Craft

  • Tie a string to your Chance Craft and hang it in your room to remind you to be brave and take chances!
  • Use it as a reading buddy during a re-reading of the story. It is your own special chance and use your *Craft* to follow along with the chances in the book.
  • Share your *Take a Chance*  Craft with family and friends and remind them to have courage to take chances~ because you never know if something *amazing* may happen!


*~Overall, have fun creating your own *Take A Chance* Craft,  and I hope you and your little ones remember to be brave and take chance!  – tag me on Instagram @MaiStoryBookLibrary  – or post on FaceBook to share your photos of your own *Take a Chance* Crafts and your own reading adventures! I’d love to hear from you!~*

*~Until next time, Happy Reading~*