MaiStoryBook Library

MaiStoryBook Library: Malala’s Magic Pencil + Finding the Rainbow Art Craft

Introducing an autobiography of hope and equality featured in this week’s MaiStoryBook Library Collection:

“Malala’s Magic Pencil” by Malala Yousafzai and Kerascoët

*~Click here to purchase your own copy of *Malala’s Magic Pencil* to start on your own reading adventure! (This is an affiliate link~ 5% of your purchase will go to MaiStoryBook to help create Reading Resources for your littles)~*

Book Synopsis and Review

There is magic all around you~ as long as you believe ~* This autobiography, by Malala, inspired by her own childhood, guides little ones to discover the magic laced in the world around them. Growing up in Pakistan, Malala wished for a magic pencil~ one she could use to help others around her and make life happier~ from drawing her mother pretty dresses and give her brothers a real soccer ball to play with, to stopping time to sleep an extra hour ~ to erasing the smell of the dump outside her window. One thing Malala loved was school ~ and when girls were soon forbidden to attend school, Malala realized there were more important things to wish for ~ for girls and boys to be equal, for girls to have the opportunities to follow their dreams. But although wishing helped her dream of hope, it was action that would help bring equality and change. Through this beautiful story, Malala reveals how through hard work, hope, perseverance, and the help of the world-wide community, it was possible to make her wishes and dreams come true

Malala is the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. She is an international icon and education activist. Through this children’s book she tells her inspiring story of growing up in a war-torn region, yet sill having the courage to find hope everywhere she looked. Malala is able to transform and describe a complex story in terms for young children to understand, interweaving concepts of magic and family for little ones to relate to and access the content. The language and vocabulary is written at a level for children to comprehend without losing the urgency or importance of the context of the story. Perfect read for introducing conversations and topics to young students about the wider world and contemporary issues of inequality and justice.

Vocabulary List

  • Rubbish (p. 8) trash, old, worn out objects and materials
  • Poverty (p.  18) very poor
  • Forbidden (p. 21) not allowed
  • International (p. 28) worldwide 
  • Chorus (p. 32) a group of people singing or talking together

Themes/Main ideas

  • Have the courage to speak up for what you believe in, and stand up against things that are wrong. Everyone deserves equality.
  • With hope, courage, and hard work, you can make your wishes come true

YouTube Video: Guided Shared-Reading Read Aloud Example

Example of a shared-reading, interactive Read Aloud of “Malala’s Magic Pencil” – how to subtly introduce the vocabulary list words within the text, ask guided questions, and spark conversation!

*~Check it Out~*

Subscribe: MaiStoryBook Youtube Channel for additional read aloud videos!

Follow: MaiStoryBook on Vimeo for additional read aloud videos!

*My Magic Pencil* Craft

Today, in the United States , there is a chorus of young people~ young activists~ who are using their own voices to stand up for themselves, their safety, and what they believe in – speaking up against people who are older and have more power to make decisions than them- just like how Malala stood up against people who were more powerful than her. That takes a lot of courage! While reading this book, I hope it inspires and encourages your little ones to find their own voice to speak up when something or someone is doing something wrong~ and to use their pencils, pens, markers, or colors, to write or draw about things to help make others happy and help make the world a better place! Children’s books are the perfect way to start a conversation with little ones about more serious topics. Children can and want to learn about what is going on in the world around them~ through stories and books written through a context they can comprehend, little ones can gain access to learning about contemporary issues. And with inspiring stories such as Malala’s, they will learn to find the magic and hope, even in *dark situations.* Prepare to use your own Magic Pencil to create change and make the world a better place with the craft inspired by the story!



  • Choose a “Magic Pencil” template. There are colored and black and white versions with different patterns or plain. (Also plain coloring pages option without the “cut-line” at the end of the file)
  • 2 different headings: “____’s Magic Pencil” or “If I had a Magic Pencil…”
  • If you chose the black and white version, color it in.
  • Write your name on the blank if you chose the heading: “____’s Magic Pencil”
  • Cut the Magic pencil template in half on the dotted line so that you have two pieces. The writing template will go in between the two pieces and attach them together.

  • Next, choose a template. There are colored text versions, or black and white versions.
  • There are also different fill in template versions: a fill-in version with prompts, aversion with empty lines, a blank version for a picture or your own writing. Fill in the template and then cut it out. **Keep the white side tabs on**

  • To connect the writing template to the Magic Pencil, tape the tabs to the back of the middle-insides. (See Sample)
  • Fold the Magic Pencil halves together so they touch to create a whole Magic Pencil. Crease to fold the writing prompt flat underneath as well.

  • The Magic Pencil should fold together to be a whole pencil, and then unfold to reveal the writing prompt underneath.

Enjoy Your *My Magic Pencil* Craft

  • Share your Magic Pencils and Ways that you will make the world a better place
  • Share your craft with family/peers and ask them what they would do with a magic pencil
  • Display Magic Pencils to inspire you and others to stand up for change and make the world a better place

*~Overall, have fun creating your own *My Magic Pencil* Craft,  and I hope you and your little one continue to stand up for fairness and equality! Please comment below  – tag me on Instagram @MaiStoryBookLibrary  – or post on FaceBook to share your photos of your own *Magic Pencil* Crafts and your own reading adventures! I’d love to hear from you!~*

*~Until next time, Happy Reading~*