MaiStoryBook Library

MaiStoryBook: Too Many Carrots + Sharing is Car(rot)ing Rabbit Craft

Introducing a springtime classic about a carrot-obsessed rabbit and a sweet group of friends ~ featured in the MaiStoryBook Library Collection: 

“Too Many Carrots” by Katy Hudson

*~Click here to purchase your own copy of “Too Many Carrots” to start on your own reading adventure! (This is an affiliate link~ 5% of your purchase will go to MaiStoryBook to help create Reading Resources for your littles)

Book Synopsis and Review

Rabbit LOVES carrots. In fact, he collects so many carrots, that soon, he can’t even fit in his burrow! Determined to find a new home to fit all of his beloved carrots, Rabbit goes in search of his friends for help. Each friend offers their home, but when each house comes tumbling down as it is stuffed with *too many carrots,* Rabbit and his friends are all left stranded when a rainstorm hits. There’s only one place left to go… Can Rabbit find a solution for both his carrots and his friends?

This is a delightful story of friendship and sharing~ filled with sweet forest critters and bright, orange carrots. The perfect springtime read, little learners will giggle at the absurdity of Rabbit’s massive carrot collection, while also appreciating the kindness of Rabbit’s friends who offer to help, even when it leads to big trouble for them all~ because no matter how much trouble Rabbit incidentally causes with his carrots, his friends are always there to help him through the rough spots in life. In the end, Rabbit finds a special way to show his gratitude, and be a kind and sharing friend in return!


  • burrowed (p. 3) to make a hole or tunnel
  • hauled (p. 11) to carry something, or drag something heavy
  • wobbled (p. 12) to move back and forth like you are losing your balance
  • bewildered (p. 18) confused and surprised
  • collapsed (p.20) break apart and fall down

Themes/ Main Ideas

  • Sharing is Caring: Sharing with your friends makes you and your friends feel happy. It is kind to share your things, and it can make you feel good on the inside.
  • Friendship: Friends help each other even when things get hard, and friends take care of each other when they are in need.

YouTube Video: Guided Shared-Reading Read Aloud Example

Example of a shared-reading, interactive Read Aloud of “Too Many Carrots” – how to subtly introduce the vocabulary list words within the text, ask guided questions, and spark conversation!

Subscribe: MaiStoryBook Youtube Channel for additional read aloud videos!

*Sharing is Car(rot)ing* Craft

Sharing can be difficult, especially when it comes to sharing something you love. Why share and have less of something that you really like, when you could keep it all to yourself? Sharing is not something that can be forced (because then it’s not really sharing…more like a forced giveaway). Rather, sharing is a choice~ a choice to give something to someone because it will make them happy or it will help them in someway. Sharing requires you to consider the other person’s feelings, sometimes even above your own. With mai little learners, I frame sharing in the context of feelings and choices. It is your choice to share or not, but think about how it would make the other person feel. You can share, and that would make them feel very happy; or you could not share, and the other person will probably feel a little bit sad. You may feel better in the moment, but when you see your friend feeling sad, you may not feel so happy anymore. Sometimes this works, and sometimes the little learners decide not to share anyway~ but the consideration is in their minds and there’s a growing awareness of social emotional skills. This week’s craft encourages littles to take pride and joy in sharing with their friends as they record what they like to share, who they like to share with, how sharing makes them feel, and why they share. Check out MaiStoryBook’s *Sharing is Car(rot)ing* Rabbit Craft below!



  • Next, choose a Carrot-Cover Template  to use. There are color or black and white versions. -There are different labels on the Carrot-Cover Template: “______ likes to Share” or “______ Shares” 
  • Print out a Carrot Cover Label.
  • Write your name on the blank line to personalize it and color it in if you chose black and white.
    Glue the tab to the space indicated on the Rabbit Template.
  • The Carrot-Cover should go directly over the carrot on the Rabbit Template.
  • Flip up the Carrot-cover to reveal your responses about sharing.

Enjoy Your *Sharing is Car(rot)ing* Rabbit Craft

  • Share your craft with friends and family to remind them of the joys of sharing and to show them your own sharing experiences 
  • Share your craft with family and friends and ask them about their owns haring experiences 
  • Use your craft to prompt you as you retell the story about Rabbit and sharing his carrots
  • Display the crafts to create an atmosphere of springtime and to remind you how sharing is caring

*~Overall, as always, I hope you all are staying safe and healthy, and are enjoying plenty of springtime reading adventures! Tag me on Instagram @MaiStoryBookLibrary or FaceBook , find me on TikTokor contact me via email to share your own *Sharing is Car(rot)ing* Rabbit Crafts and your own reading adventures! I’d love to hear from you and learn more about your springtime adventures!~*

*~Until next time, Happy Reading~*